
Saturday, June 21, 2014

Best and Top Health Insurance Companies in World

The Best and Top Health Insurance Companies. Perhaps too often we ask, where or at what health care and insurance and so on are the best in the world. therefore, in my post this time, I've been mapping it into one existing list:

Best and top Health Insurance Companies

1. France (Europe)

The French system combines private and public sectors to provide universal health coverage to all. Most citizens receive their insurance through their employer and almost everyone has supplemental private insurance. The majority of medical bills are paid for by the government (funds from payroll and income taxes) and the remainder is footed by individual's supplemental private insurance.

2. Italy (Europe)

Italy provides universal health care to the whole population with the 20 regions exercising control and the central government providing regulatory assistance.

3. Austria (Europe)

Austrian citizens and residents enjoy free access to basic health care, as do as tourists and people staying in Austria on a temporary basis. Everyone must pay into the system, levels of payment determined by an individual's income.

4. Singapore (Asia)

A government-run universal health care system coexists with a private sector in Singapore. The private sector provides most care while the government controls prices.

5. Spain (Europe)

Spain guarantees universal coverage in its constitution and there are no out-of-pocket expenses — aside from prescription drugs.

6. Oman (Asia)

Oman's health care system is largely based on local districts, with universal health care offered to all citizens and to all expatriates working in the public sector.

7. Japan (Asia)

Health insurance in Japan is mandatory, either through an employer-based system or through the national health care program.

8. Portugal (Europe)

Portugal has a very centralized health care system, with the state-run, single-payer National Health System covering most citizens. An employer based scheme is offered and used by many Portuguese though.

9. Greece (Europe)

Greece's national health insurance program is provided by the state through a universal heath care system. Private options are available.

10. Netherlands (Europe)

Holland's universal health coverage is achieved not through the government, which is used primarily as a regulatory body, but through private insurance companies. This system is based on private insurers competing for business.

11. UK = United Kingdom (Europe)

The government, through the National Health Service, provides the majority of health care. Free at the point of service, the program is funded by taxes. Moves to privatize certain areas have been discussed recently.

12. Switzerland (Europe)

In Switzerland, health care is guaranteed to all citizens. Citizens must buy health insurance and in return, private insurers must offer coverage to all citizens.

13. Colombia (America)

A dual system is used in Colombia, citizens using either the private or the public, subsidized health care system. A little over 60% of Colombians use the public system.

14. Deutch (Europe)

Germany has the world's oldest universal health care system. Almost 90% of Germans use the public system and the remaining 10% use the private system.

15. Saudi Arabia (Asia)

Saudi Arabia's health care system is mostly run through the government, with the Ministry of Health and other governmental bodies providing 80% of services. The private sector provides the remaining 20% of services.

Thats Was Top 15 of the world most valuable protections for health in the world.

Insurance Companies Information of Ratings and Reviews

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